My second book is coming soon!
I don’t really aim to write books—they just appear in my head one day when I least expect it, and I need to write them down as they come to me. This second one came to me as I was driving one day. Just as I wrote The Polka-Dotted Penguin out of my thought life for Evie’s future with her peers, this new book about Dottie and a bully popped into my head.
I hope that Evie never gets bullied. But the chances are high that she will some day. She is feisty and full of self-confidence, but she also needs to be equipped to know how to respond.
Hence, my new book Dottie Meets Mully the Bully. Originally, Mully had a mullet, but the illustrator had trouble with making a penguin have a mullet, so now he just has spiky hair. ;)
I can’t wait for you all to meet him! Guess what Dottie’s favorite ice cream flavor is that she’s getting from Mr. Scooper’s Ice Cream Store?