Media Kit


Phone: (339) 526-9669



Amy Moy wrote this book about inclusion because she didn’t see enough book selections to send in to her daughter’s classroom for World Down Syndrome Day. So she decided to write her own, through the eyes of a baby penguin, because penguins are her favorite animal! She started writing this story during the pandemic, and it came to life when she found an illustrator named Rami. She is proud to have her first book in print, and happy that it is being shared in families and schools!


Libraries, Families of children ages 3-9, Special Education Teachers, General Education teachers, Down Syndrome community, Disability community


Dr. Amy Moy is not only the mother of an adorable girl who loves dancing and music (and has Down syndrome), but is also an optometrist, teacher, and administrator. She has published papers and lectured nationally on eyeballs, but this is her debut in writing about baby penguins and inclusion!

Dottie the penguin follows her friends.

Dottie the penguin follows her friends.

The inspiration and star of the show, her daughter, is a Laurie Berkner fan (hence the musician “Corrie Beakner” in the book) and loves Sesame Street. She is an avid fan of playgrounds of all types, and is working her way to becoming the mayor of her school since everyone says hi to her in the hallways.


Daddy and Mommy Penguin have an egg that looks different from all the other eggs. The other penguins are interested in what kind of baby penguin will hatch from this polka-dotted egg! When Dottie the Polka-Dotted Penguin is born, she is a little smaller and a stands out a bit from the other baby penguins. Will the other penguins learn to accept her? Will Dottie be treated differently at school?

This book is perfect for children and families of all abilities to discuss what makes people different, and how to behave. With loving text written by a mother of a child with Down Syndrome, debut author Amy Moy wanted to provide a story that could teach children the value of inclusion and celebrating differences. Her favorite animal is the penguin, and it's hard to find anything cuter than a baby penguin! Whether someone with special needs, a child who is learning about their peers, or new parents of a child with disabilities, this book will warm your heart.

Author Bio:  Amy Moy is an optometrist, teacher, lecturer, wife, and the mother of an extraordinary girl who happens to have Down Syndrome. She writes about anything that strikes her as needed in the world. Her debut as an author comes with the release of her new book "The Polka-Dotted Penguin," because she wanted more options of books to read to children about inclusion and celebrating differences. In her spare time, Dr. Moy makes YouTube videos with her daughter to increase representation of kids with disabilities on YouTube. Check them out on their YouTube channel "Evie the Extraordinary."

National Press Release:

Author Website (includes Conversation Starters about kindness and inclusion for adults to use with the little ones in their lives):


amy moy story monsters ink feature march 2022

Featured by Story Monsters in Monsters Ink’s March 2022 edition.

Click to read the Press Release picked up by Yahoo!

Click to read the Press Release picked up by Yahoo!


Autograph session at Book Ends Winchester

Listen here to Matt Shearer of WBZ Talk Radio Interviewing Amy Moy:


New book fans!

Follow our journey on Instagram @the.polkadottedpenguin!

Contact Dottie and Amy!
(339) 526-9669